Monday, June 11, 2012

Genome Entry 10

Chromosome 10

This is one chapter that every teenager in high school can relate to. In chromosome 10, a gene's purpose is to synthesize the enzyme that allows the body to convert cholesterol in cortisol, testoterone, and oestradiol. Cortisol is released when the there is stressed in the body. The brain sends out a signal and sets off a chain of different genetic triggers that causes the different genes in the body to turn on and off. This long chain of reactions can have many effect on the body including suppressing the immune system. The cortisol has a very important role in the health of a body. It affects the rate of a heart disease in an individual. Cortisol correlates to the level of stress in the human body which affects the heart health of that body. If an individual usually has a lot of stress on him or her, that person would have a higher chance of having a heart disease.

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