Monday, June 11, 2012

BOW Nephrons

The kidneys are a vital organ to humans. Kidneys are also sometimes referred to as nephrons. They come in a pair and they are about the size of your fist. They're bean-shaped and are located in your lower back area. The kidneys are so important that if anything is wrong with them, the individual may develop a serious health problem.

The kidneys are used to filter about twenty percent of all the blood that runs through our body. They regulated the composition of our blood. Through the kidney, our blood gets filtered of the water and the other chemicals in it to keep it in a balanced level. It is also responsible for removing the wastes that can be found in our blood. Some other tasks of the kidney involves creating red blood cells and producing urine and maintaining the body's calcium levels.

The nephrons in the kidney eliminates wastes from the individual while also being able to regulate the blood volume and control blood pressure. Humans need their kidneys in order to survive. If one kidney fails, the other one will be sufficient to keep the individual alive. An average human kidney is able to have up to 1.5 million nephrons.


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