Monday, June 11, 2012

Last Blog

What was your favorite topic this semester? Why?
What was your least favorite?
What would you change about this class if you could?
What do you feel is your biggest accomplishment in biology this year?

My favorite topic was learning about the human organs and how they functioned. I liked understanding what's going on inside my body. I also liked how we dissected different organisms to see how their organs looked like. It was fun to have a first hand experience with the different organs.

My least favorite would be learning the multiple different cycles that occurs in our bodies to produce energy. It was tough memorizing each step of the cycle and what they produced.

If I could change something about this class it would be to have homework due more often. I am one of those students who would procrastinate until the very last minute to turn something in. If deadline are not set, I would probably not set my own deadline and wait until one is set for me.

My biggest accomplishment this year would be being able to dissect the various organisms and not be afraid to touch them. The spider, in my opinion, took me a lot of courage to look at it under the microscope since I do have a big fear of them.

Genome Entry 10

Chromosome 10

This is one chapter that every teenager in high school can relate to. In chromosome 10, a gene's purpose is to synthesize the enzyme that allows the body to convert cholesterol in cortisol, testoterone, and oestradiol. Cortisol is released when the there is stressed in the body. The brain sends out a signal and sets off a chain of different genetic triggers that causes the different genes in the body to turn on and off. This long chain of reactions can have many effect on the body including suppressing the immune system. The cortisol has a very important role in the health of a body. It affects the rate of a heart disease in an individual. Cortisol correlates to the level of stress in the human body which affects the heart health of that body. If an individual usually has a lot of stress on him or her, that person would have a higher chance of having a heart disease.

Genome Entry 9

Chromosome 9

Ridley also discusses about diseases in this chapter. He starts off with a discussion of variation in blood type. He also talks about the previous theory that the variation, like some others, was actually an effect of random genetic mutations instead of just natural selection. But on the other hand, it is also able to be linked to immunity and susceptibility to different diseases. These diseases include cholera which is linked to A and AB types and malaria which is more susceptible in O types. One example used in this chapter is malaria. Malaria occurs more in the African American population where they have a higher chance of having a gene linked to sickle-cell anemia. However they have an allete that's more resistance to malaria. There is a known link of immunity to malaria that affects the susceptability of that individual to sickle-cell disease.

Genome Entry 8

Chromosome 11

The chromosome 11 is used for dopamine. Dopamine helps give an individual energy. If an individual lacks in dopamine, he or she will feel lethargic and weak. However too much dopamine might be a bad thing too, it may even cause schizophrenia. A person's behavior is affected by many factors. There is over five hundred heritable genes that can affect a person's behavior. The environment the individual is in is also very important.


Pick 3 invertebrates Compare them in terms of physical features and systems. Identify at least 3 similarities and 3 differences Include pictures and References

1. Centipedes are invertebrates because they don't have a back bone, they have many different sections to their bodies which helps them move. They are considered arthropods because they have a long flat body and numerous legs. The antenna on their heads helps them sense and feel for things to know where they are going. They are usually poisonous and prey on other insects using the pincers near their butt. 

 2. Snails, unlike centipedes, move at a really slow rate. Centipedes have many many legs which helps them move at a really quick speed. The have a soft body and a hard shell that protects them from preys. They leave a trail of slime that comes from their body. Similar to centipedes, they have tentacles that helps them sense what's around them just like the centipede's antennas.

3. Spiders are also invertebrates because they have no back bones. But they are no like centipedes because they have two body parts instead of many. They are called arachnids with a cephalothorax and abdomen. They have eight legs which is two more than the common bugs with six. But unlike both the snail and the centipedes, they use mandibles to sense what's around them.


BOW 4 Intelligence

Why is it important to define and debate our understanding of intelligence and its origins? How does this relate to you?

Different people interpret intelligence differently. According to the book Genome, our intelligence is constantly changing. Everyone has a different, unique way of learning things. Some people are visual learners which means that they need the used of different visual aids to learn better. It's easier to them to see it being done than to just read about it. While others may have natural intelligence which means that their mind is able to connect and relate different things easily. Understanding intelligence can help us accomplish our different techniques that are unique to ourselves. We can be good at everything, but knowing that we can specialize in a particular area will allow us to focus on it and excel in that area. That is why it relates to me. I am a mathematic learner where I like to see things being done step by step. In my opinion, things are easier to understand when they are done in the proper order. But I am partially a visual learner too because the visual aids do help me grasp a concept better.

BOW 3 Starfish

The starfish is a special type of marine invertebrate. It has no brain or blood but instead have filtered sea water flow through its body. Although most people commonly know starfishes to have 5 arms, it is possible for them to have up to forty arms. The starfishes with the five arms are the most common one though.

The name starfish could be misleading because it is not actually a fish. It is, in reality, an echinoderm. Starfishes are very similar to sea urchins and sand dollars. Some scientists have also began to call it a sea star instead of a starfish.

With over two thousand species of starfishes around the world, they have a wide variety of differences. They can live in hot and cold climate. Their unique skin is able to protect them from different predators because it has a tough cover.

Starfishes only have one hole which serves as both it's butt and it's mouth. It consumes preys through that hole and releases waste through the same hole. The use their suction cups in their arms to pry open different shelled fish like clams and oysters.
