Thursday, October 27, 2011

Ecology Unit Wordle

Wordle: Untitled
Ecology is an important unit and knowing the vocabulary words are vital to understanding how the ecosystems work. For example, decomposers are used to break down organic matter. This is important because these are a vital part of the life cycle because decomposers are used to break down the dead organic stuff in order for it to be used again to help new organic matter thrive. Not much organic matter survive in places like the desert, which is another important part of ecology. The desert is an area that gets less that six inches of precipitation a year which is about only fifteen centimeters. Precipitation provides water which is the basis of survival for all living things. In addition, the desert's average rate of evaporation exceeds its annual rate of precipitation which can be used to conclude that the precipitation is not nearly enough to keep many organic matters alive. Knowing the basic vocabulary for ecology can expand your understanding of the unit as a whole.

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